
Thursday, November 24, 2016


Speaker : Yan Hendry Jauwena
Place : Grand Cempaka Hotel 
Date : Tuesday, November 22, 2016 


“The Next Generation Challenges”

Synchronizing with the government program:
The five pendulum ports:
-          Belawan, Medan
-          Tanjung Priuk, Jakarta
-          Tanjung Perak, Surabaya
-          Soekarno Hatta,
-          Sorong, Papua

The population in West part of Indonesia is bigger than the population in the East part.
Indonesia is an archipelago country which mean Indonesia have a challenge with a high cost of logistics.
Why is the cost became high? Because there are:
-          Storage Cost
-          Transport Cost
-          Administration Cost
Too much cost for logistics activity.

The history of logistics in a business view.
·         WWII = military
·         1970’s = logistics = function of business
·         1980’s = entry into the process of business chain flow
·         1990’s = if you want to make a particular business, the logistics must be strong
·         21st century = logistics = scm = all businesses must use logistics affected by the development of technology

“Today we are in the fast lane constant”
Hyper local speed
Moving a goods, for example : if not in hurry we use J… if in hurry we use Go…

Industry Context:
1.       Market Trends
a.       Growing customer base
- The world poplation’s growth is expected to reach 9bnpeople (United Nations 2014)
- The increasing of smart phone users will require logistics solution provider
- The greater mega cities population
b.      Rise of digital customer
- The advent of ecommerce
- Customer expectations for other industries
- More personalized “logistics of me”
c.       Political & economic developments
- The price of oil
- Trade harmonization : through NAFTA, EU, ASEAN can minimize cost around this zone
- Environmental awareness : the growing attention of government
2.       Technology
a.       The third age of the Internet
- Internet – mobile web – Internet of Things
- Improvement of efficiency & reliability
- Cloud, Cheaper data storage
b.      Rise of platforms
- The emergence of giant Internet platforms such as E-Bay, Amazon and Alibaba
- Impact to small-start-up & business / personal customers
c.       3D printing end drivelers vehicles
- 3D printing can reduce the needs of parts and goods to be shipped
- In the other hand, integrated logistics solution specialized in printing can deliver these products

Wave Disruption
Past : All connected to Supply Chain and Logistics
Now : Supply Chain and Logistic connected to technology

Technology changes behavior
Past: work looking into the computer
Now: work looking into smart phone

“On Demand” just like blue ocean
Urban Logistic = leap solutions using technology
Future Fulfillment
The Importance of digital themes:
1.    Information services, utilizing data to make informed decision.
2.    Logistic services, new market offering for add revenue
3.    Delivery Capability, new methods of physical transportation
4.    Shared Logistics Capabilities, sharing of physical assets in logistics
Value at stake for Logistics
-       analytics, analyzing every order behavior
-       control tower, there’s an admin
-       crowd sourcing, there’s a social impact
-       cross border platform, increasing the trade flows

For the example is “DRONE” can be used for transport a goods in urban area.
-          increasing air freight
-          more fast
-          not stuck in traffic
Challenge & concerns:
-          traffic regulation
-          security & safety, connected it with application
-          battery lifetime, solar energy can be used so it can be like self charging while delivering goods
-          coverage area, cluster solution -> sort-term
-          training

Nowadays is not about the biggest is win but who’s more fast.
3 important components are INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, ADAPTATION. Must be together because it’ll be waste if we still use technology but old technology.
The ability to recognize the technology and innovation can’t be easily satisfied.
1.       After hold it must can innovation
2.       Never be satisfied with something that can be held
3.       The customers should be able to adapt to the program that we created

Green business green profit with an increasing urban, will it add more pollution/traffic?
ex: With ensuring the vehicle is pass the emissions test, so it won’t add more pollution.

In Urban Logistics the important things is TRUST which is related with a services. If we create a better technology trust will follow, when it became transparent trust will grow.
Urban implemented when technology and the Internet already ready became reality.

by myself

with my friends

Thursday, October 27, 2016



(Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics)

A.    What is ITSCL?

(Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics), together with Intralogistics (ILI), is Indonesia’s only dedicated transport and logistics exhibition for products and services dedicated to the physical distribution of goods, supply chain and material handling. It aims to be a key partner of the industry by bringing government, international and domestic participants of the complete transport and supply chain industry all together in one place. The show provides opportunities to present  products and solutions, share experiences and network, with the aim of seeking solutions to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of transport and logistics in Indonesia.
This year ITSCL held on 19th october in JIEXPO kemayoran. There are so many company in ITSCL 2016 from Indonesia and also from outside Indonesia.  Most of them is already joined BLC (Bonded Logistic Center). So, what happened in ITSCL?
The ITSCL Cold Chain Exhibition offers complete opportunity to showcase product and service information to the largest public refrigerated warehouses, refrigerated logistics, refrigerated construction, and refrigerated transportation, ITSCL Cool will gather international exhibitors from all over the world during the event.
A rendezvous for integrated END-TO-END SUPPLY CHAIN PROGRAM IN AN ONLINE WORLD where decision makers in distribution, logistics, warehouse and supply chain simultaneously attending the Logistics & E-Commerce expo for the latest developments for online world, in a pioneering time of change driven by technology.
Brings together a worldwide assembly of all on- and off-road professionals, presenting a strong beneficial interplay with engineers, supply managers and executives.

B.    What I do in ITSCL?

First, I heard ITSCL on radio and then I thinking about going to that place because its so interesting, and also because the event is in one line with my major at my university. Im so curious and finally I can come to see the event with all of my friends (eventhought I can’t join the seminar). In that place I see so much company, and the hot topic for them is about the Bonded Logistic Center. They said, BLC is very helpful to reducing the cost, which mean efficient and effective. I also go to Customs stan and asking so many question about Customs, and also I get more information that every companies in BLC must have a customs office in their companies, from what I know before Customs is just watching the activities through the CCTV. And in ITSCL there are so many new invention for the future of Logistic and SCM activities, for the example is a warehouse with storaging system that more than usual in the other warehouse, and its more useful especially for the valuable goods (I can’t believe that I just forgot the name-__-). Anyway its really usefull to come to this exhibition event, I can add my knowledge too (and also met Ibu Sri Mulyani too* - *). I love this event, thankyou~

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Summary of Seminar STMT Trisakti

Improving Role of Bonded Logistic Center in Order to Support Logistics Activity Effectively and Efficiently

Speaker : Mrs. Ety Puspitasari, SE (President of Bonded Logistic Center)
Location : STMT Trisakti

Bonded Logistic Center(BLC) or in Indonesian means Pusat Logistik Berikat(PLB) is a place to stockfilling from outside the customs clan area or goods that originaly came from the customs area, can be accompanied by one (1) or more modest activity in a given period of time to be re-issued. BLC was made because of some issues, first is about dweling time in a port and the second is the high cost in logistic activity.

Dweling time in port usually happens because:
- there is so many overlapping rules.
- there is also because of some dirty people (bad)

The high cost happens because of Inbound and Outbond activity that not condusive, every goods that heads to Indonesia always transit in Singapore which means there will have more cost, wasting time, and also the risk of goods for lost/broke is high.

Because of that the government make a decision to raising the cost of stockfilling in port and Mr. Joko Widodo (President of Indonesia) make Bonded Logistic Center official on 10th March, 2016.

In the first period there are 11 companies in BLC, the second period or in 19th October, 2016 there will be more 17 companies and hopefully there will be 50 companies at the end of this year.

 The advantages of BLC:

  • With BLC, the goods that come in port can be out from port at that time or just in one day.
  • BLC has been given an authority by customs duty to keep an import or export goods. And the goods flow will be monitored by them through CCTV, so the goods condition will be known.
  • The limit time to storage goods in BLC is 3 + + + or 3 years or can be more than 3 years if we extending it with some terms and conditions.
  • the company who storage the goods doesn’t have to be the company who owns the goods.
  • Impor goods tax can be postpone until the goods out or sold from BLC.
  • Postpone of VAT (Value Added Tax)
  • When the goods come to BLC there will be no tax, the goods can become a stock in BLC. We can pay the tax when the goods is going to bel sold to consumers, if we sell one goods the tax is also for one goods not for every goods that we safe/keep in BLC. If our forecasting is wrong we can sell it again without another additional cost.

Monday, September 26, 2016



A. Description

In Bahasa Procurement means Pengadaan
Procurement (Procurement) is an activity to obtain goods or services in transparent, effective and efficient in accordance with the needs and desires of its users. (Christopher & Schooner (2007)
It can be concluded that the procurement is an activity to obtain goods and services needed by the company seen from its use as well as the needs and the quality, quantity, delivery time and affordable price. 

Why do we need one?
For visibility of management information which is key to controlling and reducing costs.

B. The Purpose and Function

  • Purpose: to ensure that the procurement process is going smoothly so that the products and services which is needed to be had in the right time, in the right amount, the right quality and with the right price.
  • Function: in practice, is to be in line with company strategy and business plan of the company, to ensure that each activity supports to the company's goal.

c. The Category of Procurement

Based on the involvement :
a. Direct Procurement
Direct procurement is purchasing of raw materials or finished goods which result in direct operation and sustainability of the production process. Costs for the purchase of this type is large and routinely do. 
Ex: Samsung buying a procecor for making their smartphone, for making cake we need flour, eggs, sugar, milk,etc.

b. Indirect Procurement
Indirect procurement is purchasing that indirectly affect the company's operations. Costs incurred for the purchase of this type are relatively smaller and not done routinely, the procurement can be done programmatically or when certain conditionals as needed. 
Ex: rearview mirror on car (without them car still can move.

Based on the method :
a. Traditional Procurement Methods
is which the procurements departments and the suppliers in two different organizations.
b. Alternative Procurement Methods
is the development of the traditional procurements system that felt not longer able to keep up with technology.

D. Procurement Principle

• Efficients

The principle of efficiency in the procurement of goods and services is to use the available resources acquired goods and services in quantity, quality expected and obtained the optimum time.

• Effective

Effective principles in the procurement of goods and services is the available resources acquired goods and services that have the highest value of the benefit.
• Fair Competitions
Principles of healthy competition in the procurement of goods and services is competition among potential providers of goods and services based on ethics and procurement norms in force, not fraud.
• Transparrants 
The principle of transparency in the procurement of goods and services is the provision of comprehensive information on the rules of the procurement of goods and services to all potential suppliers of goods and services and the public interest.
• Accountability 
The principle of accountability in the procurement of goods and services is the accountability of the procurement of goods and services to the parties concerned and society based on ethics, norms and provisions of the legislation in force.

E. Quality of Goods

Quality of Goods that Procurement must have are:

  • Performance, related to the functional aspects of an item and is the main characterisitics of the envisaged customers in buying such items.
  • Featured, secondary or complementary characteristics are useful for adding basic functions relating to product choices and development.
  • Reliability, related to the probability or likelihood of an item successfully run its function each time it is used in a particular period of time and under certain conditions.
  • Conformance, related to the level of compliance with the specifications set out earlier based on the wishes of the customer.
  • Durability, related to how long a product can be used.
  • Service Ability; characteristics associated with speed, ease and accuracy of competence in providing services for the repair of the goods.
  • Aesthetic, the subjective nature of the characteristics about aesthetic values related to personal considerations and reflections of individual preferences.
  • Fit and Finish, characteristics that are associated with subjective feelings of customers about the existence of the product as a quality product.

F. Process of Procurement

Planning : is the process set organizational goals and how to achieve it.
Organization : is the process of setting and allocation of tasks, authority and resources to achieve goals.
Actuating : is the process of moving people to be motivated to do the taks.
Controling : is the process to ensure that the activity remains on target.

G. The Task of Procurement Departmen (Generally)

1. Plan the right relation with the supplier.
 A relationship with a supplier can be a long-term partnership as well as transactional relation in short term. Either the model of relation, the relation, or how many suppliers.

2. Choose a supplier.
Activity in choosing a supplier can take time and resources are not small. A potentially key supplier to establish a long term relationship, this selection process may involve an initial evaluation, invite them to presentations, site visit and so on.

3. Choose and implement suitable technology.
Procurement activities always require the help of technology. Nowadays many companies are using electronic procurement (e-procurement) internet applications for procurement activities.

4. Maintaining the required data items and data supplier.
Procurement section should have the complete data about the items that are needed as well as suppliers data. Some important data by suppliers the name and address of each supplier, what items they supply, the price per unit, the shipping lead time, past performance, the qualifications of the supplier as well as qualifications like ISO.

5. Do the buying process.
The purchase process can be done in several ways, for example purchase routine and purchases through a tender or auction (auction). Regular purchases and purchases with tenders pass through different processes.

6. Evaluating the performance of suppliers.

The results of this assessment are used as feedback for the supplier to improve their performance.

H. Procurement Life Cycle

1. Requirement Determination
Determining the need of goods or services that will be purchased based on the company’s need in accordance with the standard of each department.

2. Source Determination
Looking for individual / providers of goods or services appropriately.

3. Vendor Selection
Looking for the right supplier / vendor. And do the negotiating to reach an agreement.

4. Order Processing
Goods/services request process, in this phase of procurement party will publish documents of PO (Purchase Order) that have been authorized and legally to be given to the supplier/vendor, as the basis for the creation of production and delivery.

5. Purchase Order Monitoring
The procurement should continue monitoring the progress of its order/order tracking.

6. Goods Receipt
Receipt of goods / services by the vendor / supplier in accordance with the PO documents previously delivered

7. Invoice Verification
Make the process acceptance and billing data input from vendors, to be forwarded to the finance.

8. Payment
Finance and payment is made in accordance with the agreement.

I. The Key on Procurement Process

Procurements have the keys to make the procurements runs better, there are:
  • Procurement Strategy, the strategy should be right and well-ordered.
  • Supplier Qualification Process, to get a standart supplier.
  • Supplier Development & Maintenance, in order to maintain long-term business preferences that cause effective cost relationship.
  • Negotiation & Contract Development, good negotiation will allow for the development of the contract.

J. Conclusion

In the procurement process, various activities have to be passed from the point where raw materials are produced, transported to the place of processing to make the finished goods are then distributed to customers that are spread throughout the place should be done efficiently, the right benefit, in a short time so that the product price can be affordable for consumers.

Logistics is essentially aimed to optimize the factors of production, are to optimize the cost, time and quality.



A. Description

In Bahasa Procurement means Pengadaan
Procurement (Procurement) is an activity to obtain goods or services in transparent, effective and efficient in accordance with the needs and desires of its users. (Christopher & Schooner (2007)
It can be concluded that the procurement is an activity to obtain goods and services needed by the company seen from its use as well as the needs and the quality, quantity, delivery time and affordable price. 

Why do we need one?
For visibility of management information which is key to controlling and reducing costs.

B. The Purpose and Function

  • Purpose: to ensure that the procurement process is going smoothly so that the products and services which is needed to be had in the right time, in the right amount, the right quality and with the right price.
  • Function: in practice, is to be in line with company strategy and business plan of the company, to ensure that each activity supports to the company's goal.

c. The Category of Procurement

Based on the involvement :
a. Direct Procurement
Direct procurement is purchasing of raw materials or finished goods which result in direct operation and sustainability of the production process. Costs for the purchase of this type is large and routinely do. 
Ex: Samsung buying a procecor for making their smartphone, for making cake we need flour, eggs, sugar, milk,etc.

b. Indirect Procurement
Indirect procurement is purchasing that indirectly affect the company's operations. Costs incurred for the purchase of this type are relatively smaller and not done routinely, the procurement can be done programmatically or when certain conditionals as needed. 
Ex: rearview mirror on car (without them car still can move.

Based on the method :
a. Traditional Procurement Methods
is which the procurements departments and the suppliers in two different organizations.
b. Alternative Procurement Methods
is the development of the traditional procurements system that felt not longer able to keep up with technology.

D. Procurement Principle

• Efficients

The principle of efficiency in the procurement of goods and services is to use the available resources acquired goods and services in quantity, quality expected and obtained the optimum time.

• Effective
Effective principles in the procurement of goods and services is the available resources acquired goods and services that have the highest value of the benefit.
• Fair Competitions
Principles of healthy competition in the procurement of goods and services is competition among potential providers of goods and services based on ethics and procurement norms in force, not fraud.
• Transparrants 
The principle of transparency in the procurement of goods and services is the provision of comprehensive information on the rules of the procurement of goods and services to all potential suppliers of goods and services and the public interest.
• Accountability 
The principle of accountability in the procurement of goods and services is the accountability of the procurement of goods and services to the parties concerned and society based on ethics, norms and provisions of the legislation in force.

E. Quality of Goods

Quality of Goods that Procurement must have are:

  • Performance, related to the functional aspects of an item and is the main characterisitics of the envisaged customers in buying such items.
  • Featured, secondary or complementary characteristics are useful for adding basic functions relating to product choices and development.
  • Reliability, related to the probability or likelihood of an item successfully run its function each time it is used in a particular period of time and under certain conditions.
  • Conformance, related to the level of compliance with the specifications set out earlier based on the wishes of the customer.
  • Durability, related to how long a product can be used.
  • Service Ability; characteristics associated with speed, ease and accuracy of competence in providing services for the repair of the goods.
  • Aesthetic, the subjective nature of the characteristics about aesthetic values related to personal considerations and reflections of individual preferences.
  • Fit and Finish, characteristics that are associated with subjective feelings of customers about the existence of the product as a quality product.

F. Process of Procurement

Planning : is the process set organizational goals and how to achieve it.
Organization : is the process of setting and allocation of tasks, authority and resources to achieve goals.
Actuating : is the process of moving people to be motivated to do the taks.
Controling : is the process to ensure that the activity remains on target.

G. The Task of Procurement Departmen (Generally)

1. Plan the right relation with the supplier.
 A relationship with a supplier can be a long-term partnership as well as transactional relation in short term. Either the model of relation, the relation, or how many suppliers.

2. Choose a supplier.
Activity in choosing a supplier can take time and resources are not small. A potentially key supplier to establish a long term relationship, this selection process may involve an initial evaluation, invite them to presentations, site visit and so on.

3. Choose and implement suitable technology.
Procurement activities always require the help of technology. Nowadays many companies are using electronic procurement (e-procurement) internet applications for procurement activities.

4. Maintaining the required data items and data supplier.
Procurement section should have the complete data about the items that are needed as well as suppliers data. Some important data by suppliers the name and address of each supplier, what items they supply, the price per unit, the shipping lead time, past performance, the qualifications of the supplier as well as qualifications like ISO.

5. Do the buying process.
The purchase process can be done in several ways, for example purchase routine and purchases through a tender or auction (auction). Regular purchases and purchases with tenders pass through different processes.

6. Evaluating the performance of suppliers.

The results of this assessment are used as feedback for the supplier to improve their performance.

H. Procurement Life Cycle

1. Requirement Determination
Determining the need of goods or services that will be purchased based on the company’s need in accordance with the standard of each department.

2. Source Determination
Looking for individual / providers of goods or services appropriately.

3. Vendor Selection
Looking for the right supplier / vendor. And do the negotiating to reach an agreement.

4. Order Processing
Goods/services request process, in this phase of procurement party will publish documents of PO (Purchase Order) that have been authorized and legally to be given to the supplier/vendor, as the basis for the creation of production and delivery.

5. Purchase Order Monitoring
The procurement should continue monitoring the progress of its order/order tracking.

6. Goods Receipt
Receipt of goods / services by the vendor / supplier in accordance with the PO documents previously delivered

7. Invoice Verification
Make the process acceptance and billing data input from vendors, to be forwarded to the finance.

8. Payment
Finance and payment is made in accordance with the agreement.

I. The Key on Procurement Process

Procurements have the keys to make the procurements runs better, there are:
  • Procurement Strategy, the strategy should be right and well-ordered.
  • Supplier Qualification Process, to get a standart supplier.
  • Supplier Development & Maintenance, in order to maintain long-term business preferences that cause effective cost relationship.
  • Negotiation & Contract Development, good negotiation will allow for the development of the contract.

J. Conclusion

In the procurement process, various activities have to be passed from the point where raw materials are produced, transported to the place of processing to make the finished goods are then distributed to customers that are spread throughout the place should be done efficiently, the right benefit, in a short time so that the product price can be affordable for consumers.

Logistics is essentially aimed to optimize the factors of production, are to optimize the cost, time and quality.
