
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Just A Little About Me

Jadi....hmmm sebenernya ini termasuk tugas tapi gapapasih cerita sedikit.
Nama lengkap saya Agnessha Hendira Puspita tapi biasanya dipanggil agnes cuman sekarang dipanggilnya Nesha karena dikelas yang namanya agnes ada 2orang X"D umur alhamdulillah 20tahun. Sekarang lagi kuliah di STMT Trisakti.

Kenapa memilih kuliah di STMT Trisakti?
Kalau boleh jujur, hehe waktu itu pengen ngambil beasiswanya aja sebenernya, lumayan kan kalau kuliah bisa dapet beasiswa. Alesan lainnya waktu itu pengen masuk perguruan negeri tapi gaketerima jadi yaaa akhirya ke STMT Trisakti, sebenernya juga pengen nambah pengalaman ngambil kuliah diluar jurusan SMK, waktu SMK saya ngambil jurusan Pariwisata, katanya kalau kuliah ngulang-ngulang lagi pelajarannya jadi pengen mencoba hal baru buat nambah-nambah ilmu juga.

Kenapa memilih D3 Manajemen Logistik dan Material?
Sekarang jurusannya DIII Manajemen Logistik dan Material, sebenernya udah daftar yang S1 biar bisa dapet beasiswa full tapi kenyataan tak seindah ekspetasi gadapet S1:") jadi ngambil beasiswa yang DIIInya deh, lumayan.
Terus waktu itu ngambil awalnya saya memilihnya Transportasi Udara, rencana awalnya biar masih nyambung-nyambung sama pelajaran SMK waktu itu. Tapi ganti jadi Manajemen Logistik dan Material karena katanya jangkauan pekerjaannya lebih luas dibanding jurusan lain, bisa kerja dimana aja gitu. Pas pertama kali masuk belajar Logistik itu bingung banget karena gatau apa-apa tentang logistik, setelah belajar dan terus belajar mengenai logistik saya semakin mengerti kalau logistik itu ternyata selama ini memang dibutuhkan dalam segala aktivitas. Jadi gak menyesal juga kuliah ngambil jurusan Logistik. Rencananya sih pengen ngehindarin itung-itungan juga (tapi ternyata itungannya bikin pusing).

Mau kerja dimana setelah lulus???
Setelah ini mau kerja dimana? Ekhem kalau soal pekerjaan jujur masih bingung mau kerja dimana, tapi yang jelas sih dibagian logistik juga. Terutama logistik konser!! Karena kan saya juga K-Popers, terkadang kalau nonton konser tuh suka pengen tau gitu gimana sih proses Logistiknya. Pengen banget tau gimana rasanya kerja di dunia logistik konser, gimana cara ngatur barang-barangnya, ngejagainnya. Sampai sekarang tuh masih penasaran banget. Apalagi kalau kerja sejalan sama passion itu pasti enak buat dijalaninnya juga.

Kegiatan Saya

Okay, so.. I think thats enough about me. Bye~

Tugas Manajemen Pengadaan
Agnessha Hendira Puspita

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Summary Kunjungan Ilmiah PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia



on May, 22nd 2017, me and my friends are visited PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia to knowing how's the true SCM process in manufacture industry. And from that visited, I make this based on what I hear and get from that place.


1886 in New York Dr. John Styth Pemberton pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, United States made a mix of water and some syrup which is made from coca leaf extract and cola nuts (mixed carbonated water), at first the purpose of the drink is for light medication for headache and flu but the reaction of the drinks is very good. Then, His accountant and also his bestfriend, Frank Robitsen suggested a name for the drink Coca Cola which is also the combination of two ingredients and also thinking of the two “C” letters would stand out for advertising, he is the one who wrote the coca cola letters by hand (Spencer) and then born the most famous logo in the world.
logo of coca cola

In 1888 the secret formula is sold by John Stith Pemberton to Asa G. Chandlerfi a businessman. Robert W. Wouldruff (President of Coca Cola Company) have an idea to made Coca Cola drink can be consumed by all nation in the world not just enjoyed by American people only. So in 1929, The Coca Cola Coorperation was built for selling process all over the world with the same identity, quality, taste and freshness. Then, Asa G. Chandlerfi made a Coca Cola Company in Atlanta in 1992 which is also patents the Coca Cola trademark/label. The company itself is a main company of all bottling companies that own the Coca Cola trademark/label.
Coca Cola first entered and introduced in Indonesia in 1927 and started the first production in Jakarta in 1932. In 1991, Coca Cola Amatil (CCA) get in and make a collaboration with the other companies. One year after that, they did the acquisition with the other companies and Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) start their first production. Coca Cola Amatil is a company in charge of producing, selling and distributing under The Coca Cola Company license. They are one of the largest companies of non-alcoholic drink ready in the Asia-Pasific region and one of the world’s largest Coca Cola bottling companies. Its main company is located in Sydney, Australia. In 1996, Coca-Cola Amatil start producing use a preform plastic bottle (PET), before that they used a glass bottle or RGP (Refundable Glass Bottle) with reverse logistics system now they are also using a can and plastics. In 2002, Freshtea is introduced in Indonesia, why tea and not coffe? Because they want their product can be consumed by all ages. Around that time too, local brands of bottled drinking mineral water, Ades on acquisition. In 2008, Minute Maid and Coke Zero introduced in Indonesia. In 2014, Nutriboost introduced in Indonesia. And now they are producing :
-          Sparkling water like Coca Cola, Sprite, Fanta, A&W, etc
-          Tea like Freshtea
-          Juice like Minute Maid Pulpy with fruit grains impoted from Florida, Brazil
-          Dairy is nutriboost
-          Isotonic, and Mineral Water like Ades.


Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia has 8 manufacturing plant in Indonesia, there are Coca Cola Amatil in Medan, Coca Cola Amatil in Lampung (replacing Padang), Coca Cola Amatil in Bandung, Coca Cola Amatil in Surabaya, Coca Cola Amatil in Semarang, Coca Cola Amatil in Bali and there are also Bekasi that has two plant one of them is at Cibitung which is the Biggest Coca Cola Amatil plant in Indonesia. With more than 120 sales centers throughout Indonesia and more than 700.000 customer deliveries every week and growing every year. To sources basic beverages, services and goods unrelated to the product, CCAI has more than 2.800 suppliers. They also have 37 production lines in Indonesia. Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia has 3 routes to market or distributed their products:
1.       From Plant or Mega DC (Distribution Center) to CCOD (Coca Cola Official Distributor) first then to the customer.
2.       From the Plant or Mega DC (Distribution Center) directly to the customer.
3.       From the Plant or Mega DC (Distribution Center) by Bulk Transport vehicles to CCAI DC then delivery transport to the customer.
The meaning of customer by Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia is everyone who sell coca cola’s products, for the example is like cinemas, restaurants, outlets, supermarkets, minimarkets, etc. For cinemas and restaurant they are using Bag in Box is like dispenser for Sparkling water, it’s have CO2 installation and the other facilities. For Supermarkets, Minimarkets and outlet sometimes they have a refrigerator for their products.
For their ingredients, the concentrate is imported from Atlanta because the plant in Atlanta is the main distributor of concentrate for Coca Cola through Cileungsi to the other Plant in Indonesia. And the fruit grains is imported from Florida and Brazil in frozen condition because CCAI only can used a grains which has been approved by Coca Cola Company for the same quality.
For the machines they get it from German, because its has super duper high technologies but for products that use plastics glass they use a machines made in Tangerang, Indonesia and still manual or need human hand for packing.
The products are transported to the sales center by large trucks and then distributed to retailers by smaller vehicles. If CCAI sales placed in a line, it’ll be as much as approximately 17km. This is the reason that makes CCAI is the largest distribution companies in Indonesia. It’s estimated that over than 80% of CCAI products are sold through retailers and wholesalers where 90% are included in the category of small business entrepreneurs. A very large CCAI sales team not only sells their products to customers, but also advising on how they should sell Coca Cola products. CCAI sales supervisors also do the quality control to their products, that’s like regularly visit customers and provide guidance, and accommodate customer feedback. Sales and distribution policies are thoroughly directed by the National Office in Cibitung, Bekasi, but the implementation of the policy is carried out by reliable and experiences operational and regional managers and their staffs.

Thats my Summary, please remind me if theres something wrong in the grammar or in the information that I give.

why in this pict i look so stiff and funny tho

Sunday, March 19, 2017




What is Heijunka?

Heijunka is in the Lean concept that aims to smoothing the production schedule. By doing smoothing on the scheduling of, it will obtain advantages in the process of lead time.

The relation between Predictability, Flexibility and Stability Is Heijunka – When implemented correctly, heijunka provides predictability by leveling demand, flexibility by decreasing changeover time and stability by averaging production volume and type in a long term.

Lean is a management system that is fully focused on efficiency. Lean is "a philosophy of long-term growth through efforts to increase value for customers, society and economy in order to reduce costs, accelerate time to provide interventions, and improve the quality through the elimination of waste in total" (Boss and Frank, 2013: 170; Lean Interprise Institute, 2009 ). Lean discoursed first time in the automotive industry by Toyota management system in the 1890s. since then, lean attracting various industries in the world and applied in many aspects besides manufacturing.

Taiichi Ohno was a Japanese industrial engineer and businessman.
He is considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System

This is an illustration of the principle of smoothing (leveling) where the workload be leveled for the sake of continuity (consistency turtle) regardless of variation orders (speed rabbit). Ohno went on to tell that the Toyota Production System (TPS) can only be realized if everyone becomes slow tortoise and steady rather than run fast and jerky like the rabbit, as in traditional production systems.

No mass production system can be continuously responsive to gyrating orders without suffering from muri (overburden of machines, managers, and production associates), and mura (unevenness in productivity and quality). And mura and muri together create muda (waste).

TPS around this by leveling the load and do not always produce based on the order. This concept is known as heijunka; which is based on the description above, can be interpreted as a system of production-leveling that produces the right product mix as demanded by the customer by making optimal utilization of the available capacity.

What Heijunka does?
  • Stabilizes production volume and variety by consolidating total number of customer orders
  • Spreads out the production in an even manner through-out the day
  • Ensures high order fulfillment rate
  • Ensures internal production is balanced
  • Established capacity is not over or under-utilized

In English, heijunka has two different meanings, but interconnected. There are:

1. Leveling of production by volume (production leveling) 

Adjust the production schedule of activities with the aim to control inventory, reduce lead time, and producing diverse products with a volume corresponding to the request is desired by consumers.


From Figure on the right it is known that the characteristics of JIT, including:

  • meet customer demand right when there is demand (just-in-time);
  • reducing inventories of finished goods (finished goods);
  • work schedule can not be predicted; and
  • suppliers are located in the upper (upstreams) must have high variability in order to meet customer demand variations.
And, production leveling characteristics, including:
  • meet customer demand based on the total production leveling specified period (in the case above in the weekly);
  • inventories of finished goods (finished goods) is made for short-term periods which have high demand;
  • work schedule can be predicted; and
  • production stability is transmitted throughout the supply chain (supply chain) to reduce inventory suppliers.

2. Leveling production by product type or mix, (leveling product)

before vs after

If there is a product that has more than one type of product then leveling is a critical way to avoid things that are not desirable. Producing goods ABC in one day.

Heijunka Box?

Now that you have a good idea of what the Heijunka concept is, you should learn about the Heijunka box. A heijunka box (it can also be a wheel or board) is a simple visualization of production using kanban cards to signal production according to a specified interval of work (e.g., per day). It is used by production staff and is highly regarded in visualizing processes.

Challenges of Heijunka

  1. Requires major tool redesign to gain flexibility
  2. Large inventory of finished goods
  3. Requires a predictable environment as well as timely-accurate data to implement
  4. Proper co-ordination with the customer to project better future demand
  5. High degree of discipline within the workforce
  6. Thought out work standards must be followed all the times
  7. As there is little operator leeway it can result to resistance due to lack of flexibility

With heijunka, any amount of the order-will always be calculated (no matter how many the order will always exist in a shorter periodization). This maintains the continuity of the supply chain and provide a better service to all customers feel satisfied.

*Note :
I try my very best to search all of this information, if there's a mistake im so sorry and please don't mind to tell me. Thankyou~

Monday, March 6, 2017

CeMAT-SEA, TransAsia Jakarta & Cold Chain Indonesia



For the first time in Indonesia and ASEAN, unified international conference exhibition supply chain logistics for industry was held in "Cemat Southeast Asia | Trans Asia Jakarta | ColdChain Indonesia 2017", on 2-4 March 2017 in Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City Tangerang - Banten. During the 3-day exhibition, Cemat Southeast Asia | Trans Asia Jakarta | ColdChain Indonesia in 2017 was graced with the activities of the international conference themed "Accelerating interconnectivity: ASEAN and Beyond", by presenting speakers from both domestic and foreign. The exhibition was followed by 98 Exhibitor came from 15 countries, namely the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech, China, India, Italy, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam and Indonesia as the host. In addition to displaying a variety of assistive technology products and intralogistik also interlogistik services as well as cold storage, the exhibitor offering digital software systems and any kind of support in logistics operations, cooling and transportation.

But very very super duper unfortunate, I just went to the exhibition on the first day!!! Or also the opening day (although the opening begins after the conference). In the first day there are 3 speakers :
1.      Erwin Raza
2.      Luckyanto (Maritime Ministry)
3.      Basoeki Hadimoeljono (Minister of Public Works and Public Housing)

*Before we begin with each speaker, I just want to inform you this is just based on my note, so there are still many shortcomings.

Speaker 1 : Erwin Raza


  • 1.      Build an Indonesia from the fringe, Build in here is building connectivity, and "Fringe" here is in the sense of the villages. So it can be connected globally.
  • 2.      Improve people's productivity and improve competitiveness in the international market.
  • 3.      Realize economic independence

Every regulation which is connected  to logistics will connect to Sislognas
There are 6 main key (same with Sislognas). 
So far there are 14 packet regulation with will become 15 packet regulation.  The fifthteenth is more focus to improve or incrising the competitiveness for the one who do it and the one who doesn’t do it.
Meriver mawacita there are 9&3 regulation in Logistics.
In Indonesia the regulation is so sentoral or needed to be in degerulasi. There is also no no data for logistics in Indonesia.

Speaker 2 : Luckyanto


Problem : How to develop to every Island in Indonesia?
Because as we know Indonesia is maritime country with more than 13000 island. There are four departments under the ministry of maritime or also helping namely the minister of Transportation, Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs, Tourism, and Human Resources & Energy ministry.
There are 4 main program for scope of Insfrastructure Programs :
1. Infrastructure :
a. Connectivity Infrastructure, Logsitics System, Land Use Management
b. Mining and Energy Infrastructure
c. Shipping Fishery, and Tourism Infrastructure like making a 10 new bali.
d. Infrastructure Supporting Industry
22.  Maritime Sci-Tech Culture
33. Maritime Sovereignty
44. Natural Resources

  • ·        Top Level Champion
  • ·        Project Preparation
  • ·        Land Accuistion
  • ·        Project Bankability
  • ·        Government Guarantee
Now the percentage for Infrastructure is like
Java Island is the biggest with 55%
Sumatra 22%
The two of them is located in the West Part of Indonesia.
How about in the East Part? Now, government will focus on development in the east part.
Invesment One Stop Services -> how the speed of infrastructure so everything will be fast.
Cold Storage Chain
The central marine fisheries integrated in the future will require Cold Storage as a main key for Fishering Industry.

Speaker 3 : Basoeki Hadimoeljono


11.     Water Resources
is expected to build 25 reservoirs, 1000km highway and others in an effort to support SCM activities in Indonesia.
2.     Concept
It used to be individually or sectoral now must be integrated. Next, form a strategic development area.
The border be developed and integrated with the direction of industrial purpose, multimodal connectivity, tourism, etc.
Insfrastructure Development Connectivity
-       Bridge
-       Water & Clean Water
-       House/Public House
To support SCM

After that the exhibition was opened by the Minister of Transport, Mr. Budi Karya, Pak Yukki Hanafi of the Association of Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders, Mr Rianto Mahendra of Indonesian Logistics Association, Mr. Effi Setiabudi of Debindo-ITE, Laurent Noel of the ITE Group, Krister Sandvoss of Deutsche Messe, and Gordon Payne of ITE Group. Marked with beating drums and cutting of tumpeng rice which also marks the 30th anniversary of the founding Debindo.

Oh I forgot! This conference was happened in ‘Nusantara Room’. The exhibition was happened in the other room, I can’t say anything about Exhibition because it was super cool, I can see so many foreign companies. I hope I can get work in one of those companies...

The last is my photo session;)

That's all... Thankyou~